What to do in Marrakech

What to do in Marrakech - Conference hotels in Marrakech

On business in Marrakech? Extend your stay and explore this Oriental metropolis in Morocco. One of the city’s most important industries is tourism. So it will come as no surprise to meet people from all corners of the globe here.

Marrakech – The souk in the medina

The souk (bazaar) in Marrakech’s medina is just as you would imagine it to be. Vibrant, loud and full of exotic fragrances. This is where it all happens. It’s where people trade, exchange, haggle and enjoy life. Fabrics, food, pottery and jewellery, not to mention flea market dealers, shoeshiners, ceramics and leather goods. And endless variety of merchants awaits at the traditional market, while the spice market is a feast for the nostrils, with wafting aromas of tea, herbs, cinnamon, cumin, cardamom, ginger and nutmeg. There are colourful spice mounds and enchanting Oriental scents at every turn. „What to do in Marrakech“ weiterlesen

What to do in Barcelona?

Barcelona Park Guell - Conference hotels in Barcelona

Discover exciting fringe programmes and a multitude of outstanding sights in Barcelona. The Catalan capital offers you many options to ensure a memorable convention, seminar or incentive trip.

Explore Barcelona

Does your event programme allow a little time to explore the city? Feel the pulse of this northern Spanish metropolis. Whether you take a stroll along the waterfront or over the lovely Rambla. The famous thoroughfare between the Plaça de Catalunya and Port Vell is always worth a visit. Taste the tapas in one of the small restaurants, washed down with a glass of fine Spanish wine. And in no time, you will have captured the essence of the easy-going Spanish lifestyle. By the way, the entrance to the Mercat de la Boqueria market hall is directly off La Rambla, and well worth a visit for its striking steel and glass construction alone. Inside, you will find countless market stalls offering everything the culinary heart could desire. „What to do in Barcelona?“ weiterlesen

Fringe programme in Moscow – what to do?

Moscow Basilius Kathedrale - Conference hotels in Moscow

Get to know Moscow – the fantastic sights, traditional food and fabled Russian hospitality. The metropolis is a wonderful place to explore the country’s culture. Fringe programmes in Moscow – typically Russian.

Explore Moscow

The names of the Kremlin, the Red Square and St. Basil’s Cathedral are sure to be familiar to you. And what could be more fitting when visiting the Russian capital than taking in these highlights? The city’s landmarks are a MUST SEE on any business trip. Another essential addition to your list is the famous GUM department store. Located directly opposite Lenin’s Mausoleum on the Red Square, it is today considered an important monument of Russian architecture. This is a great opportunity to pick a souvenir for your loved ones at home. „Fringe programme in Moscow – what to do?“ weiterlesen

What to do in Doha?

The Pearl Doha - What to do in Doha. Find the right fringe program.

The capital of the desert state of Qatar offers an almost endless choice of leisure activities. For Doha is not just a popular travel destination for conferences, seminars and conventions.

Experience Doha

Doha means ‚bay‘ and is located on the Persian Gulf. So what could make more sense than to pick a fringe programme for your conference attendees with water in mind? A boat trip around ‚The Pearl‘, for instance. Or you might enjoy active recreation on the water. Whether it’s stand-up paddling, diving or exploring in kayak – your participants can look forward to a programme packed with active recreation and fun.

Are culture and history more your thing? Then we can recommend the archaeological site at Al Zubarah. This is where you will find the forts Al Wajbah and Al Koot and the Barzan Towers. The ancient Al Jassasiya rock carvings are also located here. „What to do in Doha?“ weiterlesen

What to do in Los Angeles?

Los Angeles Pacific coast highway

Los Angeles is jam-packed with sights and attractions that make a perfect fringe programme for your conference participants. Ranging from downtown L.A. to the coast, from culture to sports – and from creative highlights to culinary delights.

Universal Studios, Hollywood

Los Angeles is a city of entertainment par excellence. Movie fans are guaranteed to get their fill here. The Universal Studios are an obvious port of call when in L.A. A guided studio tour takes you behind the scenes to experience the atmosphere in a working Hollywood film studio. Look behind the curtains and discover the tricks of the trade. The popular theme park has been open since 1915. And although the park boasts countless attractions, a studio tour is an extra-special highlight. „What to do in Los Angeles?“ weiterlesen

What to do in Brussels?

Find the right fringe program in Brussels

Brussels is not just a city for conferences, conventions, trade fairs and incentives. The Belgian capital also comes out top with interesting experiences to accompany your event.

What comes to mind when you hear the name Brussels? What is Belgium famous for? Chocolate? Beer? Europe? All of these, of course. Culinary fringe programmes can be had in almost any city on the planet. Instead, we would like to suggest a condensed ‚Tour of Europe‘.

Atomium and Mini Europe

You will probably be familiar with the giant Atomium in Brussels. This 105-metre-high building was erected for the 1958 World Fair as a symbol of the atomic age. Inside this gigantic replica iron crystal are several spheres with exhibition spaces that are open to the public. The top sphere houses a restaurant with panoramic views of the city. Visitors can move between spheres along walkways running through the interconnecting tubes. „What to do in Brussels?“ weiterlesen

What to do in Toronto?

Toronto Canada, Fringe Program, Conference hotels

Discover Toronto – one of Canada’s most cosmopolitan cities has an almost dizzying selection of unique sights. Be it art, culture, sports or nature – Toronto awaits you!

It’s almost impossible to pinpoint one single highlight in the city by Lake Ontario. The Art Gallery of Ontario is a strong contender, housing more than 80,000 exhibits and paying homage to artists from all over the world.

Visit Toronto

Explore the great outdoors after your conference. Are you in town for a convention, trade fair or business meeting? Then you should most definitely plan a trip to the Niagara Falls region. The beauty of this landscape is unrivalled and sure to inspire your participants. A true natural paradise awaits you around 90 minutes outside Toronto. „What to do in Toronto?“ weiterlesen

What to do in Beijing?

Beijing-Great-Wall fringe programm in Beijing China Asia

Beijing is one of the most vibrant and diverse cities in China. So it comes as no surprise that Beijing offers a wealth of excellent fringe programmes to accompany your event. Alongside numerous places of interest in the city itself, the Great Wall of China is a must-see attraction during your stay in Beijing.

The Great Wall of China

One of the best-preserved sections of the wall is located around 70 km outside the city. Give your conference participants the opportunity to visit the world’s largest man-made structure. The Chinese Wall, whose construction goes back as far as the 7th century BC, stretches according to latest findings more than 21,000 km. This includes natural obstacles such as rivers and mountains. „What to do in Beijing?“ weiterlesen

What to do in Paris?

Fringe program Paris, France

Paris would be unimaginable without the Seine and its canals. Take advantage of this attribute and choose one of the waterways criss-crossing the metropolis for your post-event aperitif. It offers a wonderful contrast to the day to day, indoor conference atmosphere. Treat your attendees to a journey of exploration through the French capital.

Discover Paris

Depending on your chosen route, you might pass the Musée d’Orsay or take in the views of Notre-Dame Cathedral from the Seine. Other river cruises depart near the Eiffel Tower and pass the Louvre and the Palais du Trocadéro. „What to do in Paris?“ weiterlesen

What to do in Shanghai?

Fringe program Tai Chi Shanghai

Start your day in typical Chinese style by inviting your conference attendees to a morning tai chi class in Shanghai. Because who says you can’t hold your fringe programme BEFORE your business event?

Tai chi in Shanghai

Many Chinese opt to start their day on the city’s waterfront promenade The Bund. Be it in one of the many nearby parks or on the banks of the Huangpu River. Everywhere you turn, you will see people following their early morning exercise regime. Tai chi is an ancient Chinese martial art that seeks perfection in slow, deliberate motion. Appearances are deceptive – it is no less strenuous than cycling or running, because slow and smooth movements require a lot of practice. Bow stances and waving hands like clouds – try it out for yourself! An instructor will help you acquire the basic movements, focus and inner calm. „What to do in Shanghai?“ weiterlesen